So we’ve been talking about frequency and with that topic always comes intensity.
To lose 2 lbs a week you have to create a 7000 calorie defecit, either through working out or eating less (ideally both). Now, how do you actually burn off 7000 calories with just 130-140 minutes of exercise per week without doing boring cardio? The key is to boost your metabolic rate with short, intense workouts.
As you have probably figured from the last topic, intensity works directly with frequency. In fact, the more intense your workouts are, the less you will have to workout.
But be warned: intense workouts give you fast results, and literally transform you from an average trainee to an athlete. Athletes can handle more work than others, and have rockin’ bodies.
But hey don’t let short, intense workouts sometimes make you lazy. Don’t you say to yourself “I just need 20 minutes, 3 times per week, and I’m done.” You’ve got to ask yourself “Am I training at my full capacity?”
If you’re only doing 3 workouts per week, then each one of them should be super intense, more intense than anything you’ve ever done. Keep this as a rule of thumb, “Any workout that does NOT challenge you doesn’t count as a workout.”
This goes for advanced trainees; beginners should be able to achieve results with lots of workout styles.
Get healthy for life,
Unleash your physical and mental potential!!
PS The workout of the month is coming, expect high intensity! =D