Training By Tye Resistance Training, Cardio Training, Core and Abdominal Training

February 13, 2011

Valentine’s Pyramid

Filed under: Uncategorized — Thyre @ 9:57 pm

Happy V-Day everybody,

In the video I showed you the exercises for this strength pyramid workout.  If you have been doing supersets then this type of workout is a very fun and challenging change of pace.

You will want to use a lighter weight than you would for a normal 6 rep circuit. So go with whatever weight you can shoulder press for about 15 reps.

In the video I used 15’s, for the effect of looking strong. I use either 10 or 12 for this workout depending on how many rounds I’m doing.  Also be sure to keep your pace up to get a high intensity workout.

Go to it, have fun and let me know what you think.

February 3, 2011

Costa Rica and Penguins

Filed under: Miscellaneous — Tags: , , , , — Thyre @ 3:56 pm

I’m back from a week in Costa Rica, and it was AWESOME.
I still managed to get my workout on, even though the gym on the boat was the size of the bathroom at my house. Even if there was no gym I could have just done squats, pushups and pull-ups anywhere. Check out the pull-ups with the knee tuck below.

Gotta make due in the jungles of Nicaragua. Forgive the extra cheesey smile!

Anyway now that I’m back I see the stupid Packers made it to the stupid Super Bowl, big fat whatever! Okay, sorry I’m done drinking my Hateraide I hope it’s a good game. I hope you all enjoy watching the game, with healthy foods like Chicken Lettuce Wraps.

Did you catch the Lakers game Tuesday night? We (like I’m on the team) gotta get it together with San Antonio coming in town. All my Lakers fans do your superstitious rituals, whatever they may be, to help them win this game. It’s like they just don’t prepare hard enough.

Speaking of preparation, I officially started my triathlon training this week. Tried to get in the pool at the house…the water was sooooo cold penguins were swimming in it. Yeah, so I’m joining The Y to get my swim training in. Other workouts went well; I was able to ride the bike farther than I thought I could.

If anyone wants to join me in training let me know. Alright then I will keep you posted with how it’s going.

Seacrest out

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