Training By Tye Resistance Training, Cardio Training, Core and Abdominal Training

February 19, 2014


Filed under: Uncategorized — Thyre @ 7:06 pm

I don’t know about you, but this whole no winter thing is growing on me. I mean I know it’s not good for the environment, especially since we need as much rain water as possible here in So Cal, but seriously who is not down with shorts and a Tee in February huh?

I was outside the gym yesterday in my shorts…that’s a joke for anyone who knows me knows I only wear shorts even when it’s cold (which its not =D). Back to the story, outside and discussing with a TBT member about getting more people to take care of their health.

She says, “Yeah, well you know, the economy”, which is everyone’s answer for everything.

You know Americans are only second or third in the medal count  in the winter Olympics, yeah well you know the economy…my dog has the BG’s everyday, yeah well you know the economy. AHHHHHH!

I’m thinking not so much, really it’s a values thing. Most people take their health for granted and don’t actually value health high enough to do anything preventative such as coming to visit Rancho Cucamonga’s best metabolic small group personal fitness trainer.  Which is cool if you know that that is what you’re doing?

People will say they can’t afford it instead of saying I don’t want to, I think they think they might offend someone by saying no! Seriously dude it’s your body…Imma still do me no matter what you do.

The way I figure it cost a heck of lot less to come see me than it is to see your doctor, but hey it’s your call yo.

So I wanted to put a CHALLENGE out, if people really want to get information about getting more fit then I will do something I’ve never done before.


name price



And that’s what’s up…During the entire month of March you can come down to see me and tell me what you want to pay for my services and we will work out a deal. As you know people only purchase things they think are worth more than the price, so you can come tell me what you think its worth and what you are willing to pay.

I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is, are you?name priceline

Tell me, how many new people do you think will join Training By Tye during the month long Name Your Price challenge? I’d love to hear your answers in the comments section below or on the facebook.

Holla Back

Couples Workout

Filed under: Uncategorized — Thyre @ 6:48 pm

What’s up!? Happy Wednesday kiddo

As you know Friday is Valentine’s Day so I wanted to give you a little somethin’ somethin’. No not flowers, chocolates, or a diamond ring, but this great 3 circuit partner fat loss workout that you could do with your significant other.

These circuit protocols are known as “partner density training” and are one of the many we use at Training By Tye not a boot camp small group training to burn a ton of fat and calories with a partner.Sorry No Video

Here’s how it works.


Each circuit has 2 exercises. You will perform 12 reps of the first exercise and your partner has to do the other exercise for however long it takes you to finish the first. Once you have finished your 12 reps your partner is done as well and you switch.

The goal is to get as many rounds done as you can in 5 minutes. Here are the three circuits.

Circuit #1
– Jump squat x 10 reps
– Plank

Circuit #2
– Push-ups x 10 reps
– Jump Jacks

Circuit #3
– Burpees x 10
– Glute Bridge Marching

The exercises themselves are pretty basic compared to what we normally do in one of our awesome training sessions but it’s a great bodyweight version that you can do at home with no equipment.

Speaking of awesome Training By Tye small group training sessions if you are already signed up to the newsletter keep an eye on your inbox Friday for a Valentine’s Day couples special.

February 9, 2014

Valentines With Pookie Bear

Filed under: Uncategorized — Thyre @ 5:03 pm

Valentine’s Day is almost here and Im not a huge fan, but I do happen to like the general atmosphere of the time. Plus who doesn’t love eating chocolates and going out to a nice dinner? And let’s not forget the more….ummmm lets call it…..private ways of celebrating Valentine’s Day 😉

Well there is another way of celebrating Valentine’s Day that will get you sweaty and make you feel less guilty about the chocolates and dinner and simultaneously improve the more private celebration that happens later on. I’m talking about a Valentine’s Day workout! cupcake

Here’s a great way to workout with your honey on Valentine’s Day just like we do at Training By Tye group personal training. It’s called “partner density training”.

We’ve talked about density training before you can check that out here.  As an overview, the way it works is that you have to do 10 reps of a certain exercise while your honey has to do a separate exercise. But there is a twist. Your partner has to do THEIR exercise for however long it takes you to finish yours before you can switch.

simpson ValentinesHere’s an example:

You do 20 jump squats while your partner holds a plank. Your partner holds a plank for however long it takes you to complete your 20 reps, then you switch.

Try that circuit out yourself and see how many times you and your partner can switch in 5 minutes.

Check this bad boy out and let me know what you think. In a couple days I’ll send you a full 3 circuit workout you can do with your sugarbear…if I have time I will film it.

Holla Back


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