Training By Tye Resistance Training, Cardio Training, Core and Abdominal Training

February 28, 2018

Tyetan Of The Month Melanie

Filed under: Success — Thyre @ 3:31 pm

Training By Tye in Rancho Cucamonga presents our TYETAN Of The Month

Each month we will select a member that is consistently hard working and a valued team member who has demonstrated what it means to be a Tyetan.

Tell us about yourself.

My name is Melanie Morasse. I recently moved to Jurupa Valley. After raising and home schooling my children, I am now retired and enjoying being Mimi to my beautiful grands, all 7 of them.


So why did you join TBT?

I heard about TBT from my friend, Megaan who absolutely loves it here and was getting great results. I began following Training By Tye on the ole FB and decided to join a 3 week challenge to hopefully help me get my mojo back to start working out again. The challenge ran from Thanksgiving to Christmas; that was all it took. Not only did I win the challenge but I was hooked on the training style and how I was feeling!


What were things like for you before joining Training By Tye?

Previously  I was a very active runner, completing 15 half marathons and various other races, but now found myself no longer running or working out and basically feeling awful.  I had been diagnosed with an auto immune disease called Hashimoto’s which severely affected my thyroid and even though I was on medication I was still suffering from severe fatigue and extreme exhaustion. I no longer felt like myself anymore =(

What was your first impression of your Training By Tye experience and workouts?

As far as first impressions go, my exact words were “Holy cow!! These people are strong! What the heck am I thinking?” I saw people doing pushups from their toes with no problem, I knew I couldn’t even do one. It just seemed a little overwhelming just looking at it. Once I got going and began to see a little strength myself,  I enjoyed the workouts and everyone in my session. It’s a little hard to explain, but the vibe in the gym is awesome! We work hard but also laugh, have fun and encourage one another.


What tools have benefited you most while training?

Challenges and “Desk Dates” for setting attainable goals and striving to achieve them are the tools that have helped me. For example, one of my goals was to do pushups from my toes, which I can now do, so now I’m working on pull ups. With all of the challenges it allows me to try out different nutrition plans, that also helped me a great deal, not only to lose fat and gain muscle but also I’ve learned how to fuel my body so I feel good and control the things that are going on in my body (the Hashimoto’s). Having a positive outlook in regards to my fitness in this tremendously positive environment has also helped a great deal. Because Tye teaches all of these things, I completely believe I can continue to get stronger, and am striving for that.


How is Training By Tye different from things you’ve done before? What makes us unique?

The cool thing about Training By Tye is that even though the sessions are run in a group format, the training is still individualized. There are various levels of fitness and strength all working out together, each working at his or her own level. Tye also knows my individual issues. She will often ask me, “How are you feeling today, young lady?” so she will know exactly what I need that particular day. As I mentioned before, the vibe is great, there is a real sense of camaraderie; it’s very natural to encourage one another. And it’s truly fun, yet we are working hard and getting results. Another great thing is that the workouts are never dull or boring and they are switched up just often enough. And as far as trainers go, Tye isn’t just interested in one’s workout. She knows fitness is more than the hour we are in the gym so she is constantly teaching us about nutrition, the importance of sleep, staying hydrated and other important lifestyle behaviors associated with good health.

What results and benefits have you experienced thus far?

As I mentioned I joined TBT when I was not well physically and at that time not only did two doctors want to remove my thyroid, I was battling fatigue and had very little motivation. After my first 3 weeks, I began to feel better. In that time I actually lost 10 pounds and went down over 2% of body fat, but most importantly, I was beginning to feel like myself again. The fatigue was getting better and better. Fast forward 2 years later, at 51, I’m stronger and more fit than I’ve ever been. I’m down a total of 15 pounds and went from a size 8 to a size 4!
Most importantly, my thyroid is under control and I don’t battle daily debilitating fatigue. My doctor recently checked my thyroid and no longer wants to remove it.  My greatest desire is to enjoy my hubby, children, and grandchildren and be strong enough to love and support them (and basically out run them), which at this point, I’m happy to say I can!! Thank you, Tye!


What would you say to anyone looking at joining Training By Tye?

It seems like everyone says it, but “Just do it.”  Tye has the knowledge to help anyone who has the desire to get Tyetan Strong and healthy. This place rocks!

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If you are ready work hard and see what you can do to not only beat the odds but unleash your potential then click the button above to test drive Training By Tye. We will contact you and set you up for success.

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