Training By Tye Resistance Training, Cardio Training, Core and Abdominal Training

November 2, 2015

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Filed under: — Thyre @ 2:29 pm

Welcome To Training By Tye

On this page you will discover the best personal fitness training studio in Rancho Cucamonga where you will never feel intimidated when we train with simple yet effective programs that anyone can do. That includes you !!

Let me be frank, I want to help people who are ready to take action. I only want to help people who want to be helped. So, if you value your health, looks and the way you feel, click the Start Your Training button above to schedule a success session at no cost and no risk or commitment.

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4 Week Program

What you will get at TBT:

  • Shape strong toned muscles
  • Fat and inches melt away, pants and dress sizes will drop (a firm and fit you will emerge)
  • Rewards and recognition for passing fitness milestones
  • Practical lifestyle nutrition
  • Be much more attractive (like it or not the attention will come)


We will show you just how much you have progressed by utilizing our specialized program FitRanx. FitRanX is a comprehensive and standardized ranking system used for gauging individuals’ fitness levels. What’s good about that is that it’s not a system based on how long you have been training at TBT or how much your coach “thinks” you have improved. This is a REAL ranking system that took years to develop and perfect. This is our special ingredient that makes us the best training gym in Rancho Cucamonga.


  • It keeps you motivated!
  • It gives you an abundance of clear and specific short term goals to reach.
  • The testing days develop so much positive energy, everyone wants to be a part of it.
  • With our strategically changing workouts, you will never be bored again.
  • You become part of the TBT team. Everyone helps each other reach their true potential.
  • Bottom line using FitRanX at Training By Tye gets you RESULTS!

Success Stories

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To receive more information or schedule a consultation, please fill out the form below:

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Phone Number

    What can we do to get you where you want to be?

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