Training By Tye Resistance Training, Cardio Training, Core and Abdominal Training

June 21, 2011

Brady Bunch and Olive Garden

Filed under: Uncategorized — Thyre @ 10:26 pm

In this battle of Italian heavy weights

Which meal packs the most nutrient punch:

It’s Garlic herb chicken con broccoli from olive garden VS Chicken Parmesan with veggies

In the blue corner we have Garlic-Herb Chicken con Broccoli weighing in at a solid 960 cals, 90 grams of carbohydrates and a less than impressive 24 grams of protein.

The challenger in the red corner is homemade Chicken “Parm” Parmesan with asparagus. This kid has talent, at only 380 calories “Parm” brings 42 grams of Protein to the table compared to just 11 grams of fat.

Its really not a fair fight, in one is from a restaurant; considering the Chicken Parmesan at the Olive Garden is 1000 calories. It just serves to show that even when your eating out the good food isn’t always good. Bottom line chill out on the cheese and switch the pasta for veggies.

Now I now Alice isn’t downstairs making the kids lunch each morning and dinner in the evening when she’s not hooking up with Sam the Butcher (Brady Bunch reference), but most of us can find at least 2 or 3 nights a week we can make a good meal for ourselves and the fam.

Thats the way we became the ...

So I would like to share that winning “Parm” recipe

4 boneless, skinless chicken breast (about 4-6 oz)

2 egg whites, lightly beaten

1 cup Panko

¼ cup grated parmesan

Italian Seasonings


1 Tablespoon Olive oil

1 cup tomato sauce

4 oz shredded part skim mozzarella

Pound the chicken down to about a ¼ inch thick, then season. Combine the seasonings, breadcrumbs, and grated Parmesan and place on a plate.  Stir the seasonings into the tomato sauce.

Dip the chicken into the egg white wash and then into the breadcrumb mixture; be sure it is fully coated and shake off any excess.

Heat the olive oil in a pan or skillet and cook the chicken for 3-5 minutes per side, then place onto a baking dish.

Pour the seasoned tomato sauce over the browned chicken breast and top with mozzarella.

Place the baking dish under the broiler for 2-5 minutes for the cheese to melt.

Enjoy! If you have any other recipies you would like to have made over just leave a comment below, or on the FB page.

Lastly if you have trained with me could you PLEASE write a review on yelp, yahoo local, or google local? Just look up Training By Tye in Pomona, Ca THANKS A BUNCH!


June 1, 2011

Walnut Gym Birthday Sale

Filed under: Uncategorized — Thyre @ 2:37 pm

This is just one of my favorite little skits from MadTv. If you havent seen this one now is the time to get somewhere in which you are able to laugh without people looking at you like your a freak. Anyway check this out:

Here are a few pics from the new gym. This place has all the toys. BTW  “Can I have yo number”

It's as heavy if not heavier than it looks.


But you know me, I can work with or without tools and all the fancy bells and whistles

Punchouts are way harder than they look.


But we are definitely having fun down here at Premiere Sport.  I am running a $10 workout special for the entire month of June. Also there is no gym membership or 74 year contract like at other gyms.

Yay for no membership fee


The gym is located just around the corner from Cal Poly Pomona on Valley between Grand and Temple. Again it is a training studio so there is NO GYM FEE to pay.

Perfect form!!


Come down check it out and get the kind of workout you could never get from one of those corporate gyms, because “the back of yo head is ridiculous.”

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