Training By Tye Resistance Training, Cardio Training, Core and Abdominal Training

September 4, 2012

Football and Virginity

Filed under: Uncategorized — Thyre @ 10:36 pm

You’re right I probably shouldn’t be sharing this via the internet, but it’s true I’m no longer a Virgin of the Drive-In movie. Over the past couple of  weeks I’ve seen Total Recall, The Expendables 2, and ParaNorman. I love the movies, but have never been to a drive in.

It was so cool. I don’t know why, but it was. Before I forget, and believe me I’m trying, the remake of Total Recall was not very good IMO. I think I should just stick to seeing movies randomly instead of actually wanting to see them.

The new Amazing Spider-man was lacking, Total Recall was a bust and the Expendables was (dare I say it) “cute”. It seems like when I want to see a movie it doesn’t live up to the hype.

What do you think I should see next?

On a completely random note, I was watching football and decided that I wanted to play. I looked it up online (and if you know me I’m always looking something up online) and found out that there is a Women’s Pro Football league that has over 60 teams across the nation. Pretty crazy huh?

So California has about 5-6 teams and one of them is in Murrieta, CA. The website says tryouts are in 5 weeks. I’ve told a few people about it and for some strange reason nobody will talk me out of it.

I will keep you posted about that. First I have to check to see if the info on the website is correct (secretly Im hoping its wrong and I missed my chance…Im too old for football) then I will decide officially what to do.

What position do you think I should play? Or if you think Im too old to be playing football let me know in the comments below or on the Facebook page.

And that’s that said the cat in the hat.

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