Training By Tye Resistance Training, Cardio Training, Core and Abdominal Training

February 19, 2014

Couples Workout

Filed under: Uncategorized — Thyre @ 6:48 pm

What’s up!? Happy Wednesday kiddo

As you know Friday is Valentine’s Day so I wanted to give you a little somethin’ somethin’. No not flowers, chocolates, or a diamond ring, but this great 3 circuit partner fat loss workout that you could do with your significant other.

These circuit protocols are known as “partner density training” and are one of the many we use at Training By Tye not a boot camp small group training to burn a ton of fat and calories with a partner.Sorry No Video

Here’s how it works.


Each circuit has 2 exercises. You will perform 12 reps of the first exercise and your partner has to do the other exercise for however long it takes you to finish the first. Once you have finished your 12 reps your partner is done as well and you switch.

The goal is to get as many rounds done as you can in 5 minutes. Here are the three circuits.

Circuit #1
– Jump squat x 10 reps
– Plank

Circuit #2
– Push-ups x 10 reps
– Jump Jacks

Circuit #3
– Burpees x 10
– Glute Bridge Marching

The exercises themselves are pretty basic compared to what we normally do in one of our awesome training sessions but it’s a great bodyweight version that you can do at home with no equipment.

Speaking of awesome Training By Tye small group training sessions if you are already signed up to the newsletter keep an eye on your inbox Friday for a Valentine’s Day couples special.

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