Training By Tye Resistance Training, Cardio Training, Core and Abdominal Training

May 4, 2011

Don’t Be Such A Fry Baby

Filed under: Uncategorized — Thyre @ 9:25 pm

Had a fab weekend in Vegas and yes I made a little money (but not gambling). Anyway I was up at the bowling alley watching my folks bowl for a little bit and decided I was hungry.  Inside the hotel is a restaurant called Steak N Shake, now if you have not visited the east coast or mid west you may not have heard of this place. Watching tv on satellite allows you to see commercials for other areas; I had seen a commercial for this place and it looked great (just the steak burger not the shakes I don’t eat crap like that =D  j/k  but really not the shake).

More on that later, as I’m leaving the bowling alley to get my Steak N Shake on I see the most disturbing thing ever. A toddler is eating French fries!


Now I have not written about it, but fries are the absolute worst things a grown person should eat and feeding them to a baby is just off the charts ridiculous. That had me pretty upset..Seriously, folks don’t set your kids up to fail before they even know how to talk.

So bBack to my steakburger;  it totally did not travel well.  I know people who have had it while on the east coast and said it was the bees knees. Let me say this WAS NOT.  But maybe an In N Out burger wouldnt taste the same in Philadelphia who knows.

Good job to all the Fat Flushers, workouts have been tough this week. Keep it up only 3 weeks left. We have a few spots left if you want to join us for the last three weeks, just give me a call or shoot me an email.

Party like a rock star!

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