Okay, so we know it’s quite typical for other people to put on their “winter coat” during the holiday season, right?
Well that’s so not going to be you!
You’re a Tyetan and I’ve got you covered with a few of the top things NOT to do during the few weeks between the myriad of holidays late in the year.
First up we tackle holiday parties. You know you’re going to go, I know you’re going to go, so lets figure out how to make it work for us and not against us.
1- DO NOT GO TO HOLIDAY PARITES HUNGRY– put a little something in your belly, mainly protein. If you’re not starvin’ like poor proverbial Marvin you’re not likely to eat the entire bread basket and all the hors d’oeuvres as well as yours and your neighbor’s entree. This way you can have a little taste of everything you really want and enjoy the rest of your night.
If you go in hungry then you’re going to have about 5-6 servings of everything (this is coming from the girl who ate 6 cupcakes at her sisters 40th birthday party after 3 slices of pizza.. not proud but hey, things happen when you’re hungry).
Along similar lines (but definitely not the same) we get into the age old alcohol question. To booze or not to booze? (No I am not suggesting you get slammed before you head out to your festivity)
2- DO NOT DRINK LIKE A FISH– now I would never tell anyone to not drink at any get-together or party, but you just cannot get hammered, capiche? Cool cool. Just nurse a glass of wine or 2 all night and be sure and get some water in too. Also your best bet is to have your drinks after you’ve already eaten. As you know alcohol induced food choices are hardly ever helpful to your health.
After alcohol, the next thing that will jump up and get you during this stretch is all the insanely delicious looking sweet morsels from the devil.
3- DO NOT EAT TOO MANY SWEET TREATS– if you think Im going to say don’t have any, you have lost your ever loving mind. Get your dessert on!
BUUUUUUUUUT and you must follow this big but so you don’t have one (did you see what I did there), but check out the whole spread and have just the 1 or 2 treats that look like they would rock your socks off.
Not just that, build it up in your mind about how amazingly amazing it’s going to be and then savor Every. Single. Last. Crumb. of the 1 or 2 items you’ve chosen. No matter what anyone says about any other item you tell them the one you ate was so over the top insanely scrumptious that everything else will pale in comparison.
And then you’re not tempted.
Boom! You got to eat your junk and still not tempted, I call that a win-win son.
Now for our LOBO, that means Last One Best One add that to your Tyecabulary (along with tyeceps and of course the infamous heard). We still have to put in work.
4- DO NOT SKIP YOUR WORKOUTS– the best way to earn the previous 3 tips is to get your workouts in. If you are busy, like most of us this time of year you can still get a 20 minute workout in at home using bodyweight or bands. You could walk briskly while shopping and carry everything instead of using a cart, or whatever, just lift something heavy and get out of breath.
I can totally help you with that too. As a matter of fact…
For a limited time you can enroll in our 21 day Battle Holiday Weight Challenge for only $89. You will receive 20+ delicious recipes, goal support, and up to 12 metabolically charged small group personal training sessions in our Rancho Cucamonga facility.
The last day to sign up is Tuesday 11/29 at 8:00pm because we are starting on Thursday December 1st. You’ll know if you’ve made it by whether or not the sign up button still works.
3 weeks of being the hottest person at every holiday party for just $89, now that’s a no brainer.
Quit reading and click the Claim My Spot button NOW.
hey there.. is this something I should do. does it work with what you know of my body?
Also is it on top of or instead of my usual fee?
we can talk on Monday when I see you….
Love your e mails… you are one smart cookie!!
Comment by colleen — November 20, 2015 @ 10:11 am