Training By Tye Resistance Training, Cardio Training, Core and Abdominal Training

August 5, 2010

August WOM

Filed under: Worlouts — Tags: , , , , , — Thyre @ 9:19 pm

You asked for it so you got it. We’ve been talking about frequency
and intensity and this workout will bring the intensity.

Here are the six different exercises:
Sumo squat hops
Rotational burpees
Sprinter stance
1 leg mountain climbers
Ninja getups or egg rolls
Frog hops

Go crazy nutso for 20 minutes of sweat dripping
good times! People always tell me I have an odd sense of
what’s fun, IDK I kinda like.

Stay healthy my friends,

Unleash your mental and physical potential!

P.S. Oh yeah, post your score in the comments section.

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