Training By Tye Resistance Training, Cardio Training, Core and Abdominal Training

July 23, 2012

Wake Up And Workout

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , — Thyre @ 5:40 am

Hey gang, guess what?

The 30-minute morning torch sessions are now in full swing!

We meet Tuesday & Thursday at 6:00am and Saturday at 8:00am.

So not only do you get 3 workouts a week for a month, you also get access to the gym any other time for only about $100.

I know crazy right?

Heres the catch, we only have room for 3-6 more people, then we’ve got to close it down.

The class is a great mix of heart pumping fat melting cardio and muscle sculpting resistance training.

This is NOT a “bootcamp”! This is not machine to machine body building!

What we do is complete body transformation workouts based on cutting edge science principles while still using some good old sports drills. As your “coach” I will guide you and the group as your “team” will push you to unleash your potential and finally reach your goals in a high-energy, fun, motivating, and effective environment.

If you are serious about body transformation, then calling (626) 826-0684 to sign up is a no brainier. And to sweeten the deal, I will be giving the next 2 people who sign up a 10% discount AND a Free cardio program.

I have to warn you this program is NOT for people who want a magic pill or a quick fix.

If YOU put in the WORK, YOU WILL get the RESULTS.

Your trainer,


PS Call 626-826-0684 to sign up today, the next 2 people will receive a 10% discount AND a Free cardio program which you can do at the gym on your own time.

February 3, 2011

Costa Rica and Penguins

Filed under: Miscellaneous — Tags: , , , , — Thyre @ 3:56 pm

I’m back from a week in Costa Rica, and it was AWESOME.
I still managed to get my workout on, even though the gym on the boat was the size of the bathroom at my house. Even if there was no gym I could have just done squats, pushups and pull-ups anywhere. Check out the pull-ups with the knee tuck below.

Gotta make due in the jungles of Nicaragua. Forgive the extra cheesey smile!

Anyway now that I’m back I see the stupid Packers made it to the stupid Super Bowl, big fat whatever! Okay, sorry I’m done drinking my Hateraide I hope it’s a good game. I hope you all enjoy watching the game, with healthy foods like Chicken Lettuce Wraps.

Did you catch the Lakers game Tuesday night? We (like I’m on the team) gotta get it together with San Antonio coming in town. All my Lakers fans do your superstitious rituals, whatever they may be, to help them win this game. It’s like they just don’t prepare hard enough.

Speaking of preparation, I officially started my triathlon training this week. Tried to get in the pool at the house…the water was sooooo cold penguins were swimming in it. Yeah, so I’m joining The Y to get my swim training in. Other workouts went well; I was able to ride the bike farther than I thought I could.

If anyone wants to join me in training let me know. Alright then I will keep you posted with how it’s going.

Seacrest out

January 2, 2011

Tri or Tri Not

Filed under: Miscellaneous — Tags: , , , — Thyre @ 8:33 pm

Welcome to 2011 gang! I trust you all had a safe and super awesome New Years Eve celebration I know I did. It’s a new year and a time for new challenges.

If you know me well you know that I have been saying for the last 4 years that I might do a triathlon or a marathon or something cool like that. Well I decided that this is the year!

Alright, so I checked into it and there was a ½ marathon (not crazy enough for a full one yet), a triathlon, and a duathlon that each looked pretty interesting.

I want you guys to choose for me which one and I will do it.

I should probably tell you that I do not really enjoy running and haven’t run more than 3 miles since my school days for soccer workouts. But don’t take that to mean I want to do the triathlon, because I don’t know how I would do with the swimming or the bike for that matter. Well either way I will still do whatever you guys say.

That reminds me, last week I was working out with a friend and when we were finished and walking out of the gym she said that leaving was the best part of the workout! So we were trying to figure out what percentage of the population actually likes to workout.

Not really too many people I’m sure, what do you think? We didn’t factor trainers into our thought, because that’s why we do this job we love working out (just not running =D hehe).

Anyway I’d like to know which challenge you want me to take on, so leave me a comment in the box below.

October 5, 2010

Fundraiser Boot Camp

Hey, did you know October is Breast Cancer Awareness month?
Former and soon to be current boot camper and my friend Roni T is recovering from her fight with breast cancer.  In honor of that, we decided to do a 2-week fundraiser beginner mini boot camp (Fit For The Fight) in order to send some funds to cancer research. She is here today because someone raised money towards research to which a new drug Herceptin was invented.
                         ====> More Info Here  <====
So come down and help us raise some funds from 10/18 through 10/29, get some good workouts in and save some lives.
If you know anyone who is on the fence about participating in group fitness training now is their chance to help women around the world, get in shape, and learn what Rancho’s #1 Indoor boot camp is about.  I know a lot of people have this concept of yelling drill sergeants, 100 pushups in the mud, and being cussed at, let me reassure you none of that goes on.
We would like to get this info to as many people as possible, so print out the FLYER and post it in your housing community, at work or the grocery store, share the link on facebook, and even Tweet about it.  Lets raise as much as we can for this great cause!

Thanks for your help,


August 5, 2010

August WOM

Filed under: Worlouts — Tags: , , , , , — Thyre @ 9:19 pm

You asked for it so you got it. We’ve been talking about frequency
and intensity and this workout will bring the intensity.

Here are the six different exercises:
Sumo squat hops
Rotational burpees
Sprinter stance
1 leg mountain climbers
Ninja getups or egg rolls
Frog hops

Go crazy nutso for 20 minutes of sweat dripping
good times! People always tell me I have an odd sense of
what’s fun, IDK I kinda like.

Stay healthy my friends,

Unleash your mental and physical potential!

P.S. Oh yeah, post your score in the comments section.

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