Has this ever happened to you?…
You’re at the office and the hunger pang sets in.
You have a couple choices: You can fight through the hunger OR you can have a small snack.
You weigh the pros and cons…
Maybe you think, if you don’t eat a snack, you you’ll be so hungry when lunch time comes that you will eat everything in sight…
Most of the time that is not the case!
I thought you were supposed to eat 5-6 small meals throughout your day, and drink protein shakes with every meal.”
Well, imaginary writer of the statement above, not necessarily. (protein is on sale with the coupon code MD28<-)
I’m not sure if you know this or not, but sometimes when you are doing things differently and making a change, things become a little bit uncomfortable.
Going from 3 donuts and a large Dr. Pepper for breakfast to 1 donut and a hard boiled egg will be a bit uncomfortable for a week or two, and then it will become your new normal.
We tend to get caught up in the moment that we don’t think about why we wanted to make the change in the first place, that reason we started this journey.
Think about that for a few minutes during your 5 minute wave of hunger and then get busy on something else. Once you get your mind occupied the hunger will subside.
And really, once you train your body when to eat, you’ll start to get hungry at those times instead.
There are many ways to get to the body you want, if you would like me to help you learn what works best for you set up a strategy session with me by filling out your info here on the contact form<<<——–
Make it a great week Tyetans