In this New Year I’ve been doing A LOT of reading, there are about 30-35 books I want to get to before the year is up. Mostly business books and personal growth type stuff…I don’t read a lot of fiction.
Right now Im learning about values and what it says about how you make your way through life, super cool stuff.
Oh and real quick let me tell you, I try to stay away from fiction because I cant put the dang thing down most of the time! And I typically like series. Yup read the WHOLE Left Behind series in about a month (I do have to work and Im not a fast reader so that it really good for me)
Anywho back to the fiction thing…you may have heard of a little book series called The Hunger Games! It came out about 6 years ago, but blew up about 2 years ago when they began releasing the film series. So my pal G (shout out to Gunny who is hip to the game) 2 years ago tells me he’s reading it trying to finish just before the first movie which was being released a week before his birthday. Im thinking, “oh brother, is this going to be as big and lame as the Twi Hards and Henry Pothead crap?”
I indulge him by asking what it’s about and deciding that it’s not my bag, but good for everyone who is enjoying it ya know.
Well I saw the first movie, I don’t know, maybe about 6-7 months ago, it was alright nothing to write home about. Well 2 weeks ago I by chance got a hold of the second book and read it. Yup finished the whole thing in about 8 or 9 days. And I am now about half way through book 3. O M G!!
It’s amazing, I cant put it down…once again why I hate to read fiction; I got stuff to take care of, I can’t be sitting around reading books that aren’t helping me be a better trainer, business person, or person in general :p
On that note, back to the whole values thing that I intended to write about in the first place.
Lets have some fun, shall we? Put the following pleasurable states in order of value to you…you may be surprised at what you put. Now certainly you probably value all of the emotions on the following list and that they’re all important for you to feel as well as a lot more. But it would be fair to say that you value some over others, that you’ll do more to achieve some than others, right?.
Show me yours and I’ll show you mine!
1. Love
2. Success
3. Freedom
4. Comfort
5. Passion
6. Intimacy
7. Health
8. Security
9. Adventure
10. Power
So place your hierarchy of values in the comments below I’d love to see what yours are. Quick side note, did you notice how I qualified the length of time I took to read the left behind series? In a couple of days I will be sharing the other end of the spectrum, the emotions we try to avoid, and it’ll all make sense why I did that.
Holla Back Yo
Dunno ifmI’m still allowed to participate but…I figured wth.
Comment by DeAnn M — January 29, 2014 @ 8:27 am
9. Adventure
10. Power
Comment by Kelli — January 29, 2014 @ 10:16 am
I see power is at the bottom for both of you girls…very interesting.
Mine goes a little something like this:
Comment by Thyre — January 30, 2014 @ 12:01 pm
Of course you are allowed to answer DeAnn!!
I can totally see passion being on top for you.
Comment by Thyre — January 30, 2014 @ 12:02 pm
Kel, it all makes sense now that I see security is at the top of your list.
Comment by Thyre — January 30, 2014 @ 12:02 pm